Andrew Parry
Your independent candidate for Islington South and Finsbury
Vote on 4th July 2024


I am a retired headteacher with over 25 years of experience in education. I grew up on a council estate in Manchester before moving to the south coast. I have lived in Islington since 2004. I am passionate about equality and ensuring our children have the best opportunities possible. I have three children of my own - all of which attend a state school in Islington. I want them to have the best future possible.

Over my lifetime, I have seen the world and our country change immensely.. We go through life accepting that these changes are beyond our control. That’s not the case. Our country is built on a democracy that allows every one of us to have a say and a vote.

I am standing as an independent candidate in this election because I want my voice and those of millions of others to be heard, to make a difference, not just for our future but the future of our children and grandchildren.

Voting for me will give you a voice. Standing up for what is right and just. Protecting the future. Making Britain great again by focusing on four key issues that affect us all:

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Our education system is flawed. The answer isn’t simply hiring more teachers; we must transform how schools function to best equip our children for the future.


Waiting lists are excessively long. Collaborating with senior leaders in the NHS is essential to address issues such as staff training, recruitment, and meeting patient needs.

Cost of Living

Rising living costs affect everyone. More than ever our community is struggling to make ends meet. Affordable housing, and energy along with lowering prices is a priority.


Climate change impacts us all. Promoting sustainable practices, green spaces, and clean air initiatives can enhance community well-being.